Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion UW Resources

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

UW Resources

  • Research Centers and Institutes  UW faculty conduct research on the benefits of cultural diversity, as well as its challenges. This generates new knowledge that has economic, social and cultural impacts, on both local and global scales.

  • Graduate Opportunities and Minority Achievement Program: GO-MAP GO-MAP sponsors educational and social events throughout the year that help students connect with faculty, alumni, and other students. While many of GO-MAP's events and programming are geared toward underrepresented minority graduate students, they are open to all University of Washington graduate students.

  • Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity: OMA&D The University of Washington Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity (OMA&D) works to increase diversity on campus and enrich the collegiate experience of all UW students, faculty and staff.

  • Race & Equity Initiative at the UW: REI    President Ana Mari Cauce launched a Race and Equity Initiative in spring 2015, challenging all of us — students, faculty, staff and university leadership — to take responsibility for addressing our own biases and improving our university culture.  The UW REI site shows different ways in which these issues are being addressed with increased funding, and a blog to inform of what is happening on and around campus.

  • UW Diversity Blueprint   Interested in reviewing the 2010-14 Blueprint to see how we measured up? With many of the goals for the 2010-14 cycle met or exceeded, there is still progress to be made. The 2017-2021 Diversity Blueprint builds on our past successes, acknowledges where additional work is necessary, and helps articulate university-wide efforts to advance a shared path forward.

  • Q-Center  The center facilitates an affirming and celebratory environment for students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all sexual and gender orientation, identities, and expressions.

  • UW Women's Center The center promotes gender equity and social justice through educational programs and services that allows all participants to succeed in life.

  • Native Life and Tribal Relations Office   The purpose of this web site is to centralize the Native-focused resources available on the University of Washington’s campus in Seattle. We understand the University can be a challenging environment for those coming from indigenous communities and difficult to navigate for anyone who is new to the campus.

  • Samuel E Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center   The Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center has a wealth of resources and opportunities available to students including student advising, organizational development, personal growth, and referrals to different departments and programs.

  • Directory of Cultural/International Groups  Over 800 student organizations register with the Student Activities Office every year. UW student organizations provide great resources also for international students. They range from the Japanese Anime Discovery Project to First Nations at UW.

General diversity, equity, and inclusion resources

Minority affairs resources

Immigration resources

Disability resources

Gender and sexuality resources

  • Title IX at UW: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Our interim Title IX coordinator is Valery Richardson, valeryr@uw.edu, 206-616-9713

  • Education and outreach: Online and in-person training for preventing sex discrimination and sexual harassment, and responding to those affected by sexual misconduct

  • Survivor Support & Advocacy: Health & Wellness offers confidential advocacy and support for students impacted by sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment and other related experiences.

  • Q Center: A student-run LGBTQ center for UW students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members

  • MyPronouns.org: Resources on personal pronouns (what they mean and why they matter)are

  • LGBTQ+ College Student Guide: Learn how to research colleges and review additional topics such as the unique challenges LGBTQ students face and the resources and legal rights available to them.

Mental health resources

Economic resources

  • Sportula: Provides microgrants (petty cash of $5-$300) to economically marginalized undergraduates in Classics

  • UW Campus Food Pantry: Provides UW students, staff, and faculty with nonperishable groceries and select fresh produce for no cost

Reporting violence

  • Bias Incident Advisory Committee: How to report bias incidents

  • Safe Campus: How to report violence or threats to the safety of yourself or others. NB: Faculty and TAs at UW must report to the authorities any reports or evidence of sexual violence they encounter; one way to do so is through Safe Campus.

Resolving conflicts




