Nicholas McNutt

Graduate Student

Contact Information


M.A., German Studies, University of Arizona, 2016
B.A., German Studies, University of Arizona, 2012

Nick started studying in German at the University of Arizona in 2009 and completed a year-long study abroad program at Carl Duisberg Centren and the University of Konstanz from 2010 until 2011. He completed his B.A. in German Studies in 2012 at the U of A and also obtained his C1 certificate from the Goethe Institute. He has been teaching swimming and lifesaving skills in various forms since 2008 and has an extensive background in teaching. During his M.A., he taught German 101, 102, and 201. He finished his M.A. in German Studies with a track in Translation Studies in the spring of 2016 and is now attending the Germanics program at the University of Washington in order to attain his Ph.D.
